
Weasels, Minks, Martens, Fishers and Otters


Never handle a mustelid with bare hands!

Mustelids are rabies vector species. Rabies is fatal to humans once symptoms appear. They also can have parvovirus and distemper, which can be passed to your pets (not to humans). Do not handle the animal(s) without proper protective equipment. Keep your pets away from the animal(s). If your pet has come in contact with the animal(s) call your veterinarian and make sure that your pet is up to date on its vaccinations.

If the animal is exhibiting any neurological signs (seizures, head ticks, erratic/constant chewing, seems dazed, is staggering) DO NOT go near it. Call us, a conservation officer or the PD.

If a human or pet was bitten or had direct contact with any of the animal’s bodily fluids please contact the MN Department of Health to determine if the animal must be submitted for rabies testing and if post exposure rabies vaccinations are required.

MN Department of Health 651-201-5414

Note: The information contained in this text regarding health and/or safety precautions may not be adequate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the reader’s obligation to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. We are not responsible for injuries or illnesses occurred from you interacting with wild animals. Do so at your own risk. If you do not feel comfortable handling the animal do not handle it.


  • Mustelid infants (eyes closed) should be in their dens. If they are outside of their den, alone, they need to be rescued.

    Juveniles will start to venture out of their dens with their mother. If the young are out of their den mom may be watching from a distance. Do not approach until you have spoken with us.

  • If a baby is being swarmed by flies, has fly eggs (they look like little grains of rice), ticks, mites, etc. a permitted wildlife rehabilitator should be contacted.

  • Known trauma (dog attack), wound, ocular/nasal discharge, limping, etc.

  • The baby should be upright and alert. If it is lying on its side and/or does not react to your presence contact us.

  • A dead mother will have visible teats. If you find a dead adult or you think mom has been removed and you aren’t sure contact us.

  • Cats create tiny puncture wounds that seal over quickly and can create pockets that become infected.

    Dogs create crushing injuries when they bite. Internal injuries may not present for a couple days.

  • If a young mustelid has been under human care or has been fed anything from a human caretaker a permitted wildlife rehabilitator needs to be contacted.

Containing the Animal(s)

If you believe that the animal needs help, please contact us so we can discuss the situation with you and walk you through safely containing it/them. Your safety should be your top priority. If it safe to do so, please follow these steps to contain the animal(s):

  1. Contact us so we can discuss the situation with you.

  2. Get an appropriately sized plastic container for the animal. Make sure there are air holes poked in it before the animal is inside. Do not use a pet carrier for smaller species as they may squeeze through the holes. These animals are escape artists!

  3. Put a towel or thin fleece blanket on the bottom of the box and another small piece of fabric for the animal(s) to snuggle in.

  4. These animals can be very aggressive when cornered/handled. You must have thick, leather gloves that also protect your arms, a face shield, mask, and protective gear over your clothing. Do NOT handle juveniles or adults. See below.

    Babies with their eyes closed: Using thick gloves, use the hand towel to gently pick up or scoop the kit into the box. Any aged animal may bite. Please be cautious of their mouths. Tip the box on its side. Use a thick towel (for smaller species) or a snow shovel (for larger species) to gently push the baby into the box. Slowly tip the box upright and place another small towel over the animal.  

    Adults: Assume that it will try to bite you. Use the shovel technique with a pet carrier or live trap (small plastic tote with air holes for weasels and minks). Do not handle the animal. If the animal is alert, place a blanket over the kennel. This will encourage the animal to “hide” from you inside of it.

  5. Secure the lid well.

  6. Put a heating pad underneath 1/3-1/2 of the box so the baby can move if it gets too hot. Make sure that it is on the lowest setting to prevent burns.

    • Warm water bottles, Hot Hands packs and warmed rice socks also work if you don’t have a heating pad. Do not place these items inside the box with the animal.

  7. Wash your hands.

  8. Bring the animal to us immediately. If this is not an option, please try to find it a ride. In the meantime, put the box in a warm, dark, quiet area that is away from pets, children and noise.


  10. DO NOT hold, cuddle or talk to the animal. Keep away from pets.